The primitive Christian Church was as divided as it is today.
One grouping of those sects is today known as "Gnostics". They taught that Jesus came from the spirit world and gave secret sayings only to his disciples. For them, Jesus' death was irrelevant. Salvation came through knowng the secret sayings. For the Gnostics there was no Parousia (Coming) because all you needed to do was "believe" (sounds a lot like John's gospel and 1 John 5 to me).
If you need to know more, search the www for Gnostics.
Everything old is new again.
The Pauline sect that finally won out - because that sect was made the official state religion by a Roman Emperor - called themselves "Orthodox" (right teaching) and they declared that anyone who disagreed with them were "heretics".
The Pauline sect declared that the writings which supported their views were Holy Scripture. No surprise there.